Saturday, June 5, 2010

Computer Model: Where Oil Slick Could Spread - Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster - Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster

Oil Spill 2010

I am so concerned about the recent oil spill that is occuring in America right now. There is no way of stopping it and now it seems to have become embedded within deep water. How can the oil companies not be concerned about this? Who cares if BP gets a fine for the atrocity that has occurred? Just clean it up.

It saddens me to see images of important wildlife and local flora and fauna being engulfed by this toxic product. I wonder if the other fat cats sat in their ivory towers of the other major oil companies have a cigar in hand and are wiping their brows. Thanking the lord that it was not their problem or shares that are plummeting. Why oh why do they not pull together to fix this massive problem? I do hope Obama steps up and stops this terrible ordeal before it is way too late.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Signal Transduction via Insulin usage on Glucose uptake...Brilliant....Just Brilliant

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Playing with the design

I am having so much fun playing with backgrounds, fonts and images. So this is a work in progess...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What an eventful day - collaboration on the new genetics unit for year 10. Reviewing and finding the most amazing websites through Twitter. Thanks to all my new followers who seem to be so much more advanced than I. I feel so empowered about their knowledge. The Internet seems so much bigger to me today!

I was intrigued to find this site and I guess I needed it after feeling so tired from writing up reports and finishing off the year.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome one and all

Hi Peeps

Well I suppose it had to take a wonderful digitally enhanced teacher to leave the school so I would get my arse into gear. Not only that; but as we are going into silly season of crap telly I guess I needed another outlet. Expect alot of information about Science and teaching it. I will be trying to continue the role left by the sujokat guru to pull these kids (and teachers) into the digital age. Watch this space.....

Oil Spill 2010

Maths-Whizz Scientific Calculator